Wednesday, February 27, 2008
this is so much more terrible than how i did in secondary school. because even when i didnt do all my homework, i still know how to do questions that are thrown at me. now in jc, im CLUELESS. ask me about trigo and i smile at you. ask me about chem i'll run away first. theres smth about chem that deters me from touching all the handouts and stuff, while for math, i feel passionate about doing it yet i understand zero percent of what is in the notes. yeah i am one of those weaker students. I NEED TO GO FOR MAKE UP LESSONS!!! why cant we have 48 hours a day, then we can sleep for 24 hours and work the rest of the day refreshed and restored(term learnt from pokemon)? looking at how homework piles up in my face is so demoralizing ): learnt some magic tricks from shi fu today! wah seh damn damn cool. but i'll need to train damn hard! so difficult lah. and i dont know what's with my face today that makes everyone that sees me wanna suan me. it's so horrible! and i realised i really grew much darker since the start of J1. more and more ppl are asking me if im a malay and IT IS NOT NICE OKAY! i will hide from the sun from now on! tomorrow's gonna be horrible because i havent done my trigo, and there is mock napfa. people who know me, know that i honestly, sincerely, totally cannot run. to many people, it's a matter of whether they want to run or not that they do well. for me, it's a matter of whether i can run or not. and i cant. nominee's night tomorrow. results on thursday. bless us. -prays hard- *i blog already! so im allowed to go to bed? (: Sunday, February 24, 2008 man. guess what. this is post number 900. my blog is old old old. almost didnt wake up in time yesterday for the odac race dry run!!! i set 4 alarm clock timings the night before but hurray, i didnt turn them on -_- if not for the fact that i got shocked awake by collin's sms (telling me he already finished his station, walao), i may have been killed or lost my nominee identity for sleeping through the whole event (okay, exaggeration). reached whitesands at ard 920, and set off! there were wanswen cheryl yibo and the odac person jiawei. pasir ris park was already awake and alive in the morning; there was this aerobic/massdance thing with a horrible and fierce sounding instructor chasing away all possible tranquility in the atmosphere. jiawei brought us through the obstacle course and that made me even more sure that im not cut out for odac! the course was fun though, and i miss climbing the web with 4purity ): the thing ended earlier than expected so i followed wanswen to airport (T3!! i feel so suaku!) to meet zhengjun and collin to mug. thomas came after his station ended. rahhhh. did some tsd, and relearnt bio. i must must go find mr ho to figure out how inequalities, trigo and differentiation are done. i am so far behind. night was movie with parents, Ah Long Pte Ltd. quite funny lah. though i kinda expected how the story would right at the start. i slept for 20 min ): i did try hard to keep awake okay. well since it's free movie passes, i guess i didnt make a loss :D rahhh i could have met xuezhen though ): this is sad. am in love a song again! it's a really old song called 許願 by gigi leung and leo ku. coolios! Friday, February 22, 2008 i believe in ___________. life can be hard. life is unfair. life does not always go your way. i was pretty in a state of loss today, obviously because of the absence of certain s34 people. having superglued myself to baohui for the past two months or so in class, in tsd and in sc, today i felt especially lonely. but the amount of loneliness i feel is definitely not as much as how baohui feels, because after all, i am still here... i didnt know whether to tell her to keep on appealing or move on, so i just kept quiet all the way till andrew spoke to her. sigh, i hope she's fine now. the week's been really insane. staying over in school was great i guess, though i didnt really do anything ): we had mini karaoke session and i found a singing partner wanswen :D the night we stayed back to fix the crest banner as almost the whole batch of nominees felt great; i really hope i do stay in council and am able to work with these people... orientation two went fine. i felt kinda sad regarding certain things that happened during preparations but i guess it would be inappropriate to announce to the world. during day two there were a few unpleasant incidents that made me had very bad impressions of certain cedarians but heck, i have no authority to scold them whatsoever. orientation two felt like an OGL training instead of orientation because the people high-ing were mainly(or only) the OGLs. well, im sure the people who made it didnt regret it (: today i finally took bus 43, with my three bus kakis! i felt bad seeing melphin cos he was one of the people i kinda forced back to O2 yesterday. but anyway finally there's a day i dont have to lonely-ly take 87 and 55 to school. jiayun slept almost all the way though, and yiyong's eyes were like, two slits? hahhaha. i think melphin and i will always be awake. odac race dry run tomorrow. if i'm not wrong all of us will be stationed at different parts of singapore... i'm gonna be in pasir ris :D it's been a long week. rest well and cheer up, yeah. Tuesday, February 19, 2008 everyone's tired, so buck up for O2 tomorrow! sleep early and drink lots of water! love nominees and ogls! days have been pretty terrible nowadays. so many aspects in my life sucks that i just feel like pulling out for a second. for the first time, i feel i dont belong in vjc. maybe it's just moodswings due to fatigue. but there are so many issues that bothered me i cant help feeling rather down. i feel irritated with this particular person; if this person continues to be like that i think i may just shout at her one day. also i havent been talking to my motivation, and there are a few other things in my mind too. there's nothing to do now but if i were to go to bed, i'll feel some sort of unknown guilt. but i shall live with it anyway. good night. Saturday, February 16, 2008 the week's been crazy. even though i'm awake now, i still cant bring myself to narrate what happened cos there're so much more things to do. tomorrow, i will sit myself down in the afternoon after i come back from flute, and DO ALL MY HOMEWORK!!!!!! i will NOT slack!!! next week's gonna be hectic too. i cant decide whether i like tsd more or sc. they're both so important to me. to think of something, i havent seen my class for pretty long! as in properly. i miss s34! after sc today i caught up with cynergy at marina square... waited an hour for their movie to end! people must be thinking what a loner i am, stoning in marina square in absolute informal dresscode, people-watching. well after that spent two hours plus in the arcade (and spent quite alot of money too) playing quite a few games! omg, it's the first time i felt so stupid in time crisis lah! kang an completed everything without dying while i died within 3 min everytime i joined in. oh and desmond was really cool playing tekkens! ahh i kinda played a small (okay not that small) prank on all of them today :// hard to maintain a one-person prank can. didnt really work but i felt bad afterwards. sorry cynergy! okay mainly desmond the main victim and chincher the innocent victim hahahha. kang an was busy imitating me so dont care about him, and zoe knew all along that i was joking. dui bu qi dui bu qi! i need to sleep. but i wanna treasure my msn time too! ): im such a com addict. one day i shall ban myself totally from the computer! enjoy the last few days of JAE man.. ): Friday, February 15, 2008 my eyes are about to close, but i must definitely come here to say, REST WELL NOMINEES!!! it's 'labour night', the night for us to set aside all work and just chill. i have so many things to talk about, esp TSD prelims for the seniors and SC and O2, but i really cant muster the energy to do so currently. will update when im actually awake! anyway someone finally blogged in s34 blog and im DELIGHTED! :D ahhhhh. there're so much homework to do. the appalling one would be 1200word tsd essay. then the math assignments. then the chem report. bless me. Monday, February 11, 2008 im feeling pretty lousy today. :( it's something i can't explain. but i felt pretty lonely today. not sure whether lonely is the word though. but aiyah. just low. the day went past in a blur, i cant rmb anything except sc and the long hours of break in the canteen. i think BB is cute! wahahhahah! inside joke. people involved please dont box me. the other created scandal cannot put here, i will sure kanna killed! im looking forward to going to school in the morning! having bus kakis [aka jiayun, yiyong, melphin(is that how you spell it?)] make the long and arduous(okay not that hard) bus 43 journey super fun! aye. nothing to talk about already. my eyes are half closing. maybe will take a power nap. just hope i dont wake up in the morning :/ it's school tomorrow. i look forward to school so much but wish to have more holidays at the same time. ugh this is ironic! ): 08s34 is really interesting... but PEOPLE PLEASE BLOG. OTHERWISE I GO DELETE IT OKAY! -whines- ah there's so much to do. im going bonkers over the never-finishing amount of work. if you knew me in sec sch, you must be thinking why am i so uptight about work now! honestly, i dont know it either. i hope it will be a good change! at least i have some sense of urgency within me currently... no longer the 'heck care sch work' paikia monitor(maybe not so much after i changed my pinafore). sch spirit please chase the holiday ghost away! bio test tomorrow, tsd presentation about stanislavski, chem tutorial(something i subconsciously dread), SC meeting in the morning, massdance learning in the afternoon. eventful eventful. AND NINGMAO'S LEAVING TOMORROW!!!! :'( gahhhhh i hope im allowed to go send her off.. ningmao's seriously been a really nice friend, helping people whenever they had problems in work or otherwise lah. ahhhhh i really hope she could stay ): just started another shutterfly collection, eversince the camwhore session in msia past few days. lazy to upload the few hundred photos up from my computer... so i will only put up future pictures. i hope in time to come i'll be able to put up photos from 08s34, cynergy, sn, huahui and more! good night people (: Sunday, February 10, 2008 the trip home was dangerous. the usual 3 hour trip from malacca to singapore took my dad 6 hours today, plus all the returning of car and stuff, i reached home only at 1130 even though i left malacca at 4. is this the only year i failed to blog on 8 feb? i cant rmb, maybe i can go check the archives later :/ quiet day, felt miserable without my phone, felt worse to be in msia. i tried hard to tell myself the new year feast was actually a birthday feast! HAHHAHA JOKING LAH. this year's bday wasn't horrible, it's just different. most wishes reached my phone in sg and i could only read them today, but many others are on msn and my tagboard(thanks!). even though there wasn't a celebration, i had a small cake and many people in the house wished me too. all except my mum and dad. some people only knew unintentionally, i could tell hahah. but it doesnt matter. what hurt the most was that the people i cared about forgot. ayee anyhow malaysia was real boring. it was nothing like cny, it was more of a three day three night camp at an internet cafe (aka the room) cos all my cousins and i were glued to the laptops, desktops, itouch and any other gadget that survived on the single wireless internet modem in the room. angpaos! this is sad! i secretly opened one random one and saw that there were only five ringgit inside! man! it's like, two bucks in SGD? ): pictures. will upload more when my cousin sends me photos from her camera! happy chinese new year people (: Thursday, February 07, 2008 I AM BACK. well. i realise the thing keeping me from blogging at wretch is not only the lack of time, but also the many troublesome procedures i needed to take before i can actually blog. plus, it was a cheena blog, and i am not that apt at chinese (look at my b3!!) hence less motivation to blog more often! i wont abandon my wretch though. it will still remain a secret to some people. i will blog there when i feel like it. as im stoning at malaysia here, i've decided to reopen my blog -_- and since people still come here (i come everyday to see my stats counter! it still jumps!!), i shall just carry on (: having used this for four years, i cant give it up just yet! the two months i left this blog, i didnt forget it at all... so no use 'moving on' lol! well i currently need this outlet to rant. i dont know what to say other than sigh. ayeeee i feel so AA but i cant help it. i cant just tell this to anyone that lies in the area. which is.... practically everyone ): ughhhhh. i've already known a few people that forgot. if you think im talking in code... haha (: that shows something too. i hate being here. okay i dont hate this. it's just the wrong time of the year to be in malaysia. i dont know what to say to not sound irritating. argh! im so irritating!!! ): i hate myself for having such thoughts. i should be satisfied with what i have. will go off to repent for awhile. |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |